Aim high and you will strike high

Aim high and you will strike high

Thursday, 25 March 2010

3weeks- Fiona Hall's works and mercantilism

I think.... Mercantilism is economic system of some countries in a capitalism's creation period. This system could make some countries which had this policy powerful and wealthy by getting trade's money.

I'll write that i found a definition's mercantilism in the course book.

Mercantilism, economic system of the major trading nations during the 16th, 17th, and 18th cent., based on the premise that national wealth and power were best served by increasing exports and collecting precious metals in return. It superseded the medieval feudal organization in Western Eupope, especially in Holland, France, and England.

Fiona Hall’s “Force Field” exhibition at Wellington City Gallery. Works which were exhibited connected with mercantilism.

'Tender', consists of giant vitrines with meticulously crafted birds’ nests made from shredded U.S. dollar bills. Etched into one side of the glass is the serial number from each dollar used in it. On the other side is the bird species that corresponds with the nest.They’re incredibly realistic especially in the exhibition environment where they’re collected into museum style glass cases with each species’ nest labelled with its scientific name on the front of the case, the banknotes’ serial numbers listed on the back.

Hall’s work explores the boundaries between the natural and the man-made with subtlety and humour. Works like 'Leaf Litter' show how the global plantscape has been shaped by human economic “needs”. I’m still bubbling with the thoughts it triggered the morning after.

-How these works related to merchantilism?
That work relate to the concept of Mercantilism is Money.
Tender means a human emotion and currency.

-How merchantilism has continued from the Renaissance?
I will explain that how it has changed since Renaissance.
Since the Renaissance mercantilism has developed. Wealth's symbol changed that how much money who has from object such as gold.


'Tender' (2003-05)Fiona Hall's contemporary work relates to the Renaissance concept of Mercantillism.Research the two examples; 'Tender'(2003-05) and 'Leaf Litter'(1999-2003) to explain how they relate to this concept. First define mercantillism and explain how it has developed since the Renaissance. For each work you will need to describe the shape, form and materials of the work, and explain the ideas behind each example.These works were part of an art show titled 'Force Field' which can be viewed in one of the exhibition spaces on Youtube - Part Three: Fiona Hall: Force Field.